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Impact Continues to Help the Community

Impact partners up with Must Ministries, Hasty Elementary, and Cherokee High School Soccer to help out the community.

Finishing Friday

Impact's first Finishing Friday of year is here and ready to take off on March 4th at Badger Creek, field 3 from 5:30-7 P.M. Impact holds this event for our Georgia Impact players, this gives them exposure to constant finishing on goal.

This is great for the players and they are allowed to come with an entry fee of 1 or more Socks, Underwear, Canned Food, or Hygiene.

The reason behind this "fee" is so we can donate goods for people in need, which Must Ministries ensures it goes to the people in need. This is the type of Impact made in the community by Impact.

Cherokee Soccer Association X CHS Soccer X Must Ministries X Hasty Elementary

Cherokee Soccer Association paired up with CHS, Hast Elementary, and Must Ministries to bring attention to our community. CHS soccer has many players from our club and Impact want to bring them support during their high school journey. Impact and Hasty players will be able to get in for FREE. They must wear their jerseys to get free entry to this event.

Please bring 1 or more Socks, Underwear, Canned Food, or Hygiene to help support Must Ministries and their cause.

Parents must purchase tickets through the 'GoFan' Cherokee Warriors vs Alpharetta Raiders | Soccer Tickets | GoFan (Link provided). Cherokee High School is Cashless and will not accept cash.

The Girls Varsity game will be March 4th at 6pm at Tommy Baker Field vs Alpharetta High School, while the Boys Varsity game will be March 4th at 8pm at Tommy Baker Field vs Alpharetta High School.

Come out and support!

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