The mission of the Cherokee Soccer Association is to provide positive, high-quality soccer programming at all levels of play for youth and their families.
The ultimate goal is to provide the players with the necessary tools to achieve the highest level of technical, tactical, physical, and mental development.

College Recruiting
All of our players will receive college recruiting guidance and preparation from U15-U19. We will be covering the following areas:
College ID Camps - REGISTER HERE
College Showcases
How to reach out to schools?
Testing (ACTs, SATs)
Video Highlight Reels
Among many others
If you have any questions about college recruiting opportunities, please contact Wesley Lutz at wlutz@csaimpact.com
Impact also hosts College ID Camps and our very own Atlanta College Showcase Tournament

Employment Opportunities
If you are interested in Coaching with Impact, please view the corresponding Program information below. The availability of coaching positions is dependent on the season and program.
Please contact us to become a coach:
Other open positions:
Financial Aid
Financial Aid opportunities are available. To apply for financial aid and find out more about our financial aid program, please get in touch with our Financial Department at finance@csaimpact.com​
Thanks to all sponsors that form part of the Impact Family​
Abuse Prevention Policy
CSA has zero tolerance for abuse in all ages, programs, and club activities. It is the responsibility of every coach, volunteer, parent, and player to participate in the effort to create a safe environment for all sports participants.
Coach Code of Conduct
All members of the CSA coaching staff are role models and ambassadors for the Club and are held to expectations that reflect the values of our organization.
Concussion Policy
If an athlete is suspected to have a concussion, either observed by a coach, parent, referee, or another player, he/she is to be removed from the game or practice and assessed for a possible concussion.
COVID-19 Return to Play Protocol
Our highest priority remains to provide soccer opportunities in a safe environment. These policies outline the increased responsibilities we will need to undertake to ensure all our participants can continue to play.
Financial Aid
CSA offers financial aid to those players from families that demonstrate a clear financial need.
Fundraising Policy
The following are guidelines that CSA has put in place for any team fundraising efforts.
Insurance Policy
CSA players, coaches, and assistant coaches are covered by accident insurance during each season at scheduled practices and games.
Parent Code of Conduct
CSA believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coaches, the referees, fellow parents, and the opposing players is of paramount importance, and we expect the highest standards of courtesy, sportsmanship, and positive behavior among our parents, players, and families at all times.
Pet Policy
No pets (e.g., dogs, cats, or other leashed animals) are allowed at any CSA-owned or operated facility used for practices, games, and/or tournaments (except for a documented service animal).
Player Code of Conduct
Acceptance of membership by CSA is a privilege that carries certain responsibilities. As a CSA player, you are representing our club at all times.
Refund Policy
Acceptance or registration on a CSA team confirms a player’s commitment to the team, the Club, and the fees associated with membership for a full year or season depending on the program. CSA will review requests for an adjustment to Club Fees in the case of a significant injury or relocation.
Social Media Policy
This policy is for any individual who chooses to associate him/herself with CSA through social media either through an approved team account, a personal account, or other means.
Weather Policy
Player safety on and off the field is our priority, and we use a catalog of resources to help inform our decisions to adapt to weather changes, suspend, and/or cancel when needed.
Abuse Prevention
We take all reports very seriously and are committed to creating a safe environment for our players, families, volunteers, and staff.
CSA is committed to providing a safe environment for all players and preventing abusive conduct in any form. CSA has zero tolerance for abuse  in all ages, programs, and club activities. It is the responsibility of every coach, volunteer, parent, and player to participate in the collaborative effort to ensure our athletes are protected while enjoying the game they love. Providing that environment requires all of us to be educated on best practices and prevention strategies and act when the time comes to report suspicious behavior.

CSA has implemented several policies to help protect our players' environment. Our Athlete and Participant Safety Policies address several areas listed where coaches, families, and athletes can reduce the risk of inappropriate interactions, including:
One-on-One Interactions and Meetings
Social Media and Electronic Communications
Team Travel
Massages and Rubdowns
Locker Rooms, Rest Rooms, and Changing Areas
Reporting Requirements
If you wish to report an incident of child abuse or misconduct, please email csa@csaimpact.com
All CSA Coaches and Team Managers are required to complete the SafeSport Trained Core Course, which covers Sexual Misconduct Awareness, Mandatory Reporting, and Physical and Emotional Misconduct. Each year, Coaches and Team Managers will complete SafeSport Refresher Courses to remain current with the latest information on preventing misconduct and creating a positive sports environment.
SafeSport also offers free courses and toolkits for parents and athletes and serves as an introduction to creating a welcoming environment in sports, identifying misconduct when it happens, and taking action to protect our athletes. Courses are age specific and can be found using the links below.
Free Parent Toolkits
Free Online Courses
Code of Conduct
The safety, welfare, and well-being of our youth players are the primary concern and responsibility of the Cherokee Soccer Association and all its programs. All members, employees, volunteers, and contractors acting as a representative of or on behalf of CSA, in the course of doing business with CSA, or attending a CSA event will adhere to the following:
All children will be equally treated with respect regardless of sex, race, religion, and culture.
Children will not be touched in ways that make them feel uncomfortable, and their right to say no will be respected.
At no time during a CSA game, practice or other CSA event will any employee, volunteer, or contractor be alone with a single child where they cannot be observed by others.
Children will not be left unsupervised
Children will not be dropped off and left at any field before that child is under adult supervision.
Coaches/team personnel will not leave any child unsupervised until the child is picked up.
Any type of abuse will not be tolerated and may be cause for immediate dismissal. No player will ever be subjected to:
Physical abuse - including but not limited to striking, spanking, shaking and slapping.
Verbal abuse - including but not limited to humiliation, degrading comments, and threats.
Sexual abuse - including but not limited to inappropriate sexual touching or exposure or conduct which created a sexually hostile environment.
Mental abuse - including but not limited to shaming, cruelty, or neglect such as withholding food, water, basic care, etc.
The use of positive techniques of guidance is encouraged, including redirection, positive reinforcement, and encouragement rather than
comparison and criticism. Staff, volunteer coaches, and team officials will have age-appropriate expectations and set up guidelines and environments that minimize the need for discipline. -
Physical restraint will be used only when necessary to protect the child or other children from harm. When physical restraint is administered, the situation must be immediately documented in writing to the CSA CEO.
The use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs immediately before and during CSA events involving CSA players is prohibited. Employees, volunteers, and contractors may be subject to drug screening.
Intimate displays of affection will be refrained from.
Smoking or the use of tobacco is prohibited.
The use of profanity in the presence of CSA players is prohibited.
Inappropriate jokes and sharing intimate details of one's personal life are prohibited.
Social Networking between adults and individual CSA Players is discouraged. Electronic and phone communications with CSA players should be limited to soccer-specific topics.